Thursday, December 31, 2009

Egypt : A love story | 2

This is about going to places 3


fayoum located in rural area in which folks doing plantation for their living. it's the most furtile land in Egypt agriculture industry in Egypt is one of the strong, important source of the economy. the crops yield every year enough to supply the entire country. well, Cairo itself populated more than malaysia's and this loook very impressive indeed. Egyptians are known for their big size, same goes to the crops...cabbage, union, potatoes, you name it..they are all with extra size plus, super cheap!!!

and here also where the Qarun famous story takes the place...the lake where he and his wealthy were drawn together( it was huge lake)..I asked the arab if the gold and jewelry are still in that lake and he said they've searched but nothing precious found..haish....and yeah, his castle too.. hmm...that's it. My brother said, boleh mintk jadi kaya cm firaun..tapi jgn lupa bayar zakat..takot nanti kena telan dalam bumi cm firaun jgak....cold..
here's some pictures for you.........

this is where they plant huge cabbages....see??

Qorun's lake...unfortunately i couldn't get anything precious from it


This place is wonderful and the most beautiful city in is influenced by Europe. the best scene is at the Mediterranean Sea for sure..big waves and splashing water makes me squeal. it was fun...i'm acting funny on the camera and we enjoy so much there..not to mention the infamous library. it was the 2nd biggest in the world and not just that, it is fully generated by using solar system. It is a beautiful building, beautified with many arts either on the wall or as monument. Equipped with over 6 million books, and over 1000 computers access and a planetarium outside the library.... it is gorgeous..a stunning view for me..

so refreshing!!

behind the gigantic solar system


Mansoora is a place that suits women's's synonym with mansoora. if you were here, 1000MYR still not enough to blinds your eyes to see so much dresses and all of that..for jubah's lover, welcome to this heaven....owh my, luckily i'm not a shopaholics and the cash was kept safely in my brother's hands...haahha

shopping lady


the journey was truly exhausting...6 hours traveling but the view paid the hustle..this place also full of historical monument and is one of the important places mentioned in Quran in surrah Tin- wattini waz zaitun..wa thuri sinin...wa haa zal baladil ameen...because a lot of events happened here...a holy place that keeps thousand of secrets in's some for you; a cave known as pharaoh spa to cure his illness, lamb samiri, mount sinai, prophet's Noah and other prophets cemetries..the strongest memory about sinai is the extreme cold weather..owh my..even the gloves doesn't promise's freezing during night..water is the most sliest foe to you..pity all the -not-so-old-folk with us...

This is the reflection of Samiri's lamb when it was melted.. curving exactly like one

me at top of the hill..yeah!!

Dear, there's so much to tell, with much more places but I only highlight the most significant places to you and hope you'll like it....

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