Allah is the greatest….WHY???
He blessed people in every occasions and every time. Not in a second HE forget to let us breath..freely without tax.
Never ever he refuses to feed on kuffar at the time they’re not worshipping HIM
Ever since human created in this earth, HE patiently handles our evilness behavior of messing up everything and stands with the endless mass problem created by us.
He too, listen to our wish of possessing the most desired, the most wanted..all we ever love to have. He listens but as HE listens, he justifies and calculates and measures what suit us the best. In the end, HE gives us the best thing HE had chosen. When we want something but not enable to get it, it is either 2 possibilities; HE replace with the better one @ keep the thing in the waiting line to grant at the right time and at the right place..just be patient a little.
HE done this and done that….it keeps going on and the cycle is never stop.
Sometimes, I’ve ashamed of myself because Allah keeps on giving me many things I want in life… and I accepting more and more but… giving less. (yes, it is…no cradle of lies). It is a selfish attitude of me as the lowest rank of the lowest servant of Allah. Hmm….May he provides me more time to do more good on him….abide him….every words and rules.
Dear Allah, your forgiveness is all I sought...I seek repentance and admit all my faulty ever since I’m here. Reminiscing the moment, there’s a time i‘m lost in my own imaginary world…far from YOU. I had joyous wonderful time in that world, my very own creation. But, it’s all temporary. Back in the reality, the feeling fade away and then I found that I’ve been messed up with this life. Out of peace and serenity, blind in the darkness, it was the worst condition of me., with your never ending love and bless, you gives the privilege to save myself once again before it’s too late. You offered the golden chance for me and get me back in the righteous path…the road I’ve strolling before. I don’t know how to put words of saying this. There’s no appropriate word to say how thankful I am for this mercy. In the present, I live a beautiful life, lingering with the best mates and people, just in the right place. I’ve surrounded with people who devoted life and time to spread HIS words to all mankind. Da’awah…I love it. With my own way, many have inspired me, siblings, mom, maahadian mates and yeah not to lay forgotten- all teslian ( asasi tesl students in Uitm). To see how worst condition of this ummah is to look into the youth. It’s an emergency call for muslim to get our brothers and sisters back to islam. Allah wouldn’t measure if we succeed or not, but He asks either we work out something to get things right. Isn’t it a fair judgment? I love my religion, I love islam.
How beautiful islam isn’t it but still many are too blind to accept it as a whole. For some, a portion is enough. Many claimed they’re muslim, but it’s a complete faked. A muslim prays his prayers 5 times a day. A muslim cover the hijab fully not to let ajnabi to have pleasure on it. A A muslim knows Quran and read the book frequently. A muslim cherish the earth with good deeds to one another. To sum it all, A muslim reflects the quran as his ultimate guidance in life.
It’s not too late to go back to Islam. Use the time wisely to find the truth. Many actually found the truth right under the nose but refuse to admit it because of one reason- not yet prepared to be a muslim.
Think deliberately,
how muslim are we now…
Is it worth to give in life to worldly affair which offer no shares for hereafter….
We always say Allah loves us…and know he is…but do we love HIM?… there a true love for Allah from us?
Think again….
p/s: I better be a good girl......better be a faithful
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5 years ago
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