me so glad getting new friends in my bolg..again, thanks to hermione, gen_3, windy as you re welcome to the club..make yourself as home.
well, it is not too late wishing Eidul Qurban for all muslim. Take a minute and look deep inside what does Qurban really meant to you? Is it a life changing form bad to a better life or the other way around? or you might think it just the same and customary celebration like passed years? Think again? numbers of unbelievable, uninvitable and unresistable events happened few days before the Eid(raya korban). the flash flood in kelantan, terengganu and followed by pahang, couple of landslides as we already knew by heart; the worst was in Bukit antarabangsa aka Malaysia Hollywood. four of residents was killed, one still missing, thousand have to move and fortune left aside not to mention in the lost after the tragedy
full condolence for the victims and I havce to admit that it still make me goose bump. Just in a flick of time and everything was from geology can proved it was natural disaster caused by bla...bla..bla.. For the faithful muslim, it was as sign from god to warn us, the caliph and to remind us the passed sins we have done. For those who are in tragedy, Let's take it as 'kifarah dosa' or cleansing and stand strong with HIS test. We got to realise it is a test from Allah to measure the level as a good muslim.
We should take it as a lesson. a worth lesson for us to relate with the mean of Qurban. If we're inside their shoes, what would we do, how do we act? can we stand with it? Give a helping hand can help them going through the test..
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5 years ago
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