I haven't sent any post since the Eid...and there's many things happened recently. Hre ia the list below for you to know what had happened fews day a go.
To start with, my first thing;
Of course celebration of Eid...and it was tremendously hillarious and such bliss.but many my friends said it was boring empty,lonely and whatsoever..pity huh.Well, it was splendid time for me gathered with all family members..owh, my little cousins..you have grown up.They're the cutey,naughty yet funny.Suddenly me,kak nana and kak hanis became camera addicts.We snaped pictures like-non-stop and i'd snapped over 150 pictures in just two days! Can't wait to show them to angah and along.We also had 'kenduri arwah' to my atuk, moyang and others members that had passed away.NOt to forget the duit raya,me got few raps at the open house and ........of course i banked them to my account.
my second thing
Some of my very close friends will fly to Egypt to pursue the their dream on that popular course-medics. * 'humaira', 'hermione', 'harry', 'thamlika', and 'twin myzah'.'Hermione' supposed to be in matric but when she phoned we few days ago telling she's abroad within 2 days to egypt, my heart stop beating.......can't believe it.There's a pause at that moment.I nearly cried...one of my best pal again.......will leave me alone.Feeling empty inside,couldn't find words to describe all this feeling; happy,confuse, hatred, dismay,all mixed together. this news is not the music i want to listen.even so, we made a vow that as long as we live,no matter what happen, we'll still in touch and value each other.
my third thing,
Pssst........can't tell you ,here.It's scandalously top secret and confidential.
Forth things
We're at the end of semester.Ya Rabbana!i felt like it was yesterday i met you dear friends.. it also marks as the crucial stage for us as the exam and Muet just around the corner,waving us sinisterly.I need to study harder and devoted this precious time more with books than hang out friends( please don't misjudge me,it's true right) I promised to Angah I'll awards him the result with flying colours. let's talk less,work more.Remember what Puan Hamidah said about our group.We're different from the others as they can talk english even better than us.I hope to kill two birds with a stone for this coming exam and pray so i'll be here for six more years in the same course.AMIN.'Man jadda wajada wa man hasoda hasoba'-those put more effort win, those who work nothing lost.
My (what's the number again?)
Dr.hanim turns my life to a nightmare.She asked us to work on endless essays.A good practice actually which i love to do but scare + terrifying to confront her and waiting to be condemned on essay.She's not only spilt those beans but burst her outraged on me/us at that moment if she's not happy with the essay.She mentioned that she's quite dissapointed with our eesay writing.I felt challenged with her sincerely feeling.I don't want her to look us down .Want her to be proud of us.Want to score well in exam.Want to be educationist.Success in this world and Hereafter is the ultimate goal I's seeking now.
Ya Allah,bantulah Hambamu...
My last thing
There's nothing more to write.....enough for today.
Golden Words: Sometimes things are better left unsaid.Only let Him know the thing inside.
take it positively-i told myself.
I have a test tomorrow on Listening and Speaking. A group discussion
Free Online Birthday Cards Christian
5 years ago
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